COVID-19 Risk Mitigation at FBNZ Depots

It’s critical that we have adequate controls in place – i.e. Temperature checks (in high-risk depots), QR Code scanning, sign-in & declaration form, staff not mixing in common areas with good segregation in place, adequate hygiene practice, everyone wearing masks & social distancing.

High-Risk Depots as at 26 August 2021 are:

  • Mt Wellington
  • Bancroft
  • Poland Road

In addition to the below protocols, the high-risk depots must also undertake mandatory temperature checks

  • ALL Franchisees and Drivers must complete a mandatory temperature check when they arrive on site – this involves taking the temperature and recording this in the sign-in book
  • Temperature guns and sign in books will be provided to these depots
  • Please contact Dean Hawkins for assistance in this area

For depots with multiple Franchisees (eg: Mt Wellington, Bancroft Crescent, Poland Road, Hamilton, Tauranga and Christchurch), this requires a Franchisee to champion and lead the outlined initiatives as per the list below. We would like to acknowledge and thank the franchisees that will be helping keep our people safe.

  • Mt Wellington – Garrick French
  • Bancroft – Tejinder Singh
  • Poland – Bill Werry
  • Hamilton – Olly Te Ua
  • Tauranga – Mike van der Boom
  • Christchurch – Rob Visser